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Snipssy |
Follow Snippsy and his team on Twitter @snippsy01 @flyboyeco @kudi_boi
For bookings: snippsyobong@yahoo.com
Press play and feel free to comment below.
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Snipssy |
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C.E.O Liciouz Clothing showing off one of his amazing pieces |
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Looking DOPE is his hobby |
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Tolani was taken to the cleaners by yours truly...Aha |
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Chap with an eye for where the money at. |
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Tolani brainstorming on the next best thing...As a BOSS! |
Her name is Cassandra Ebomuche a.k.a Sandeeva. She's a 400 Level Mass Communications student at the university of FIRST choice...UNILAG and hails from Imo state (state of winches). Her hobbies includes listening to good music, dancing, watching action movies and yea, messing with people's minds. She's also a very good writer, a video vixen and one model y'all need to be on the look out for. She's D.O.P.E like that. *winks*
Fun facts about Sandeeva: She loves working with her hands (massage and think whatever you want please :p )
You can follow Sandeeva on Twitter: @Ms_Sandeeva10, and chat on Skype: Sandeeva10
It's her birthday today so please show her some birthday love...as always.
See more photos of Sandeeva...
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Jennifer looking all gorgeous |
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Queen Jenny |
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LAMI's Cute smile |
What's good beautiful people... its your favorite Naija boy. So I will be bringing new stuffs on here. Hoping you'd like them. Amongst them will be Dayo's On Point and Extraordinary i.e D.O.P.E chics and guys...
I'll be profiling some of the D.O.P.E peeps in Naija and the world over.
'til another day...*God Loves Me*
What's up beautiful people. Sorry for the no posts in a while. These after uni days are literally just mean to me. :(
Well, I'm here now...So let's roll!
Got something for some of us. (Some of us being the no-love, no-strings attached, #TeamFuckLove and #TeamSingle)
The ideal friends with benefits relationship will let you have fun and hook up with someone whenever you're both in the mood without getting emotionally invested. Though it can be very tricky to navigate the territory between friendship and courtship, if you follow a few basic rules, you can have a no-strings-attached relationship where no one gets hurt. If you want to know how to start one, just be cool and follow these steps.
1. Pick someone who is AVAILABLE.
This means "available" in all senses of the word -- single being the most obvious definition.
The person should not only be single, but he or she shouldn't be recovering from the end of a devastating break-up, dealing with the loss of a loved one, or so busy studying that he or she practically lives in the library. This person should be feeling fun, emotionally stable, and up for anything -- especially hooking up with you.
2.Pick someone who won't get too attached.
Friends with benefits relationships often end because one person starts falling for the other.
So, unless you want to date the person, or you don't care if the person gets really hurt, you should avoid someone who will get attached. How do you know who will get too attached and who won't? Well, you can't figure this out with 100% certainly, but there are a few clues that the person may get too attached:
*If you've heard this person described as
"clingy," (Ewww) whether it's by friends or past significant others, then you may have a problem.
*If the person doesn't have a lot of friends,
interests, or a lot going on, then he or she may have nothing better to do than to spend a lot of time with you.
*If you know that this person has really liked you in the past, then it's better to avoid it.
If you know the person has a harmless crush on you, then that's PERFECT. ;)
3. Pick someone you already like.
Key word --like,not really really like. This should be someone who you think is cute and fun to be around -- you should like this person just as much as you like spending a day at the beach with your friends. If you're going to spend a lot of time with that person, then you should feel a baseline of affection -- just nothing too serious.
*Pick someone you already like, but not someone you would normally date. Go out of your comfort zone and remember that you're looking for a hot hook up partner, not your future husband or wife. If you pick someone you might date, then it's more likely that you'd end up falling for that person.
*You should have some natural chemistry with this person. That doesn't mean you want to stay up for hours talking about the meaning of life with him -- you just want to rip his shirt off.
4. Pick someone outside your social or work circle. Don't have a friends with benefits relationship with one of the members of the group of friends you've known since you were five, or it'll lead to some serious awkwardness when the relationship ends. Typical friends with benefits relationships only last a few months, so don't pick someone you know you'll have to see all the time.
5. Pick someone with experience.
You should try to find someone who you know has had some experience hooking up -- even better if you've heard he or she is great in bed. Since that's what you'll be doing, it's good to have a sense that the person will deliver. It will also help if the person has had some casual flings before, so he or she is experienced in that department. If the person has only had one relationship and it lasted seven years, he may not be your best bet.
Start the Relationship
1. Flirt with the person.
Start flirting with the person by teasing,
playfully touching, or just paying attention to him or her. Let the person know you're interested and give him or her a few not-so-subtle complements. Don't forget!
You're not trying to be coy here -- you're looking for a hook-up buddy.
2.Start hooking up.
Once the person is interested, you can start
kissing or doing something more. Tell the person how attracted you are to him or her but do not complement that person's personality or say anything that makes it sound like you want to date.
3. Set the ground rules.
Every non-couple is different. Some friends with benefits know each other well enough to set some ground rules before they start hooking up. But that can feel a little awkward and unnatural, so you may want to wait until after that first kiss or hook-up session. Ideally, you should have the talk before sex, so you know that both people are on the same page and that no one gets really hurt.
Here are the things you should talk about:
*Make it clear that you are not dating -- you're just having fun. Both of you should be free to hook up with other people.
*Make sure that you won't see each other too often. You should see each other just two or three times a week, preferably at night. If you see each other almost every day, Mbok... guess what? That's dating. >_>
*Decide that you'll end the relationship when one person gets too attached. Unless you both start falling for each other, make it clear that if someone gets attached, it's over.
4. Enjoy some HOT sex.
That's what having friends with benefits is for, isn't it? Have fun hooking up with your "friend," letting loose, and trying the things you were too afraid to try with your old boyfriend or girlfriend. This is your time to let loose and experiment, picking up the tricks you can use to wow future partners. Have fun trying new poses, having sex in kinky locations, and just throwing
caution to the wind.
5. Keep up your communication.
As you ease in to your friends with benefits
relationship, don't forget to check in with the person you're hooking up with. Make sure you're both into each other, but not too much. If you'll both be at a party, talk about how you'll act. If you're also hooking up with another person, don't be shady about it. You don't have to spill your heart out, but you should keep talking so you know what's working and what isn't.
Keep Enjoying the Benefits
1. Don't forget to see other people.
Part of a no-strings-attached relationship means that you are free to see other people. Don't forget this important perk. If you're only hooking up with one person, it may turn into a real relationship. If that's not what you want, then keep a look out whenever you're out at a bar or a party. Don't just wait to get a text from your hook up buddy, but look around and see if there are any other options for you.
2. Keep it casual.
You can hang out with your friend with benefits, but you need to make it clear that it's not a date. For one thing, you should spend more time in bed together than out of it. You can go out for a drink -- but not for dinner. Try to make your
place as inhospitable as possible so your hook up buddy doesn't want to linger in the morning.
NOTE: I am NOT asking anyone to go sleeping around or be promiscuous. If you don't feel the need to be in a serious relationship for reasons best known to you, FWB isn't all that bad. Just play safe...Use a CONDOM!
So what do you think?
Feel free to drop your comments below.
Follow me on Twitter and IG @MaybachDAYO ;)
'til another day...*God Loves Me*
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Melba Ojugbana |
How are you guys doing? Its been a while...(I know right). Haven't been on my laptop for a while. Reasons best known to the laptop and its crazy self.
I'll be putting up some amazing poems and essays from weird but interesting friends I have. One thing I noticed, we now tend to have more readers of books and essays than we used to. Which is very encouraging if you ask me. I'll like you guys to show your support as usual, feel free to read them and comment. Not forgetting, sharing this blog with your friends only makes it more fun.
Thanks to you guys, I'm getting closer to my dreams. Your calls, messages and tweets are always appreciated. ☺
...'til another day. *God Loves Me*
Follow me on Twitter/Instagram: @MaybachDAYO
First rule of a Monday morning, especially when you stay in Lagos, ‘DON'T WAKE UP LATE!’ Tola Matthews had never fallen short of this rule, except for today. She brushed her leg against the side table as she made for the front door. I giggled. Tola stopped to eyeball me. She rolled her eyes. “Kimberly, the only reason I am not going to talk back at you is that I feel pity for you.” she started. Tola had a knack for showing off her status as Broker. “You don’t have a job. All you do is sit and watch TV, I have no problems with that, but don’t you think you should look for a real job that takes you out early?” she said looking at the wall clock. She smiled at me. It had mock written all over it.
I snickered. “You are not happy. And the money in the Firm isn’t yours, you work for Mr. Asolo. One day, they’ll take that Range Rover back.” I replied, with a grin.
“I bought that with my money!” she hissed and stepped out. I wasn’t done yet. “Kentucky on your way back, please.”
“Did I hear you right?” Tola replied, tucking her head back in. I smiled. “You are a salary earner, aren’t you?” I focused my attention back on the Flat screen. It is a big deal when you have nothing to do in Lagos. I am Kimberly Bankole, popularly called Kim Banks by my friends, graduated with a First Class from the prestigious University of Lagos with a degree in Economics. So much for my First Class Degree! I had sought to live on my own and when my best friends, Tola and Ini presented the opportunity I jumped at it.
Tola works in the Real Estate Business and due to her hard work, she was gaining heights every day, and she currently occupies a top position in Asolo Real Estate Firm. Tola paid her way through the University as she lost her father quite early. She indulged in business all through her stay on the Campus, and coupled with the monthly bursaries from the Government, she could fend for her academics.
Ini Obong is a model. She recently just got
herself a billboard job for beauty soap. Ini
worked when the opportunity arose, and she
earned fat for it. Her career was fast rising and her manager, Marcus, worked tirelessly to get her jobs. Ini cherished her beauty sleep and she was still having it. But with Kimberly in the house, who would get a beauty sleep?
I drew the curtains and let the sun rays in.
“Wake up!” Ini rolled over and covered her face with the pillow. “Ini, it’s almost 9 in the morning. The roads would be free, why are you still in bed?”
Ini snarled. “I don’t have to look for Jobs, they hunt me! Now get out of here.” She said, punching the pillow.
“Really, Ini? You should be awake.” I said, pulling the duvet.
Ini punched her pillow heavily and sat up. “I need my beauty sleep!” she emphasized. “The party lasted late into the night and I am tired. You should be the one on the road, go get a job.”
I shot at her. “How many times do I have to tell you that I have a job? I am a freelance writer!” Ini chuckled. “Ah…yes, I remember, whatever that is, honey.” She said, and slumped back to bed. I rolled my eyes and left for the kitchen. I work as a freelance writer from home, I write articles on the internet and if a column job comes by, my friend, Ben passes it to me, Although, I haven’t gotten any yet. I have his promises to cling on to. I am from a popular Lagos family. I am Professor and Professor Mrs. Bankole’s only child. Wondering why I am not gainfully employed? I turned down several opportunities to work for my Father and his well established friends. Economics had never really been my dream; I lived it for my Parents who are successful Economists. After my first degree, I hurried out of the house so I could chase my dreams, to be a writer. “How many successful writers can you find in this country?” Professor Bankole had shouted at me when I stood before him with my bags.
I sighed. “Dad…there is Wole Soyinka and recently, Adichie. Dad, I can do this.” “They are few, scanty and insignificant! I would give credit to Wole Soyinka and a few others, but the field is meaningless, you would be broke!” I took a deep breath. “Dad, please. I am tired of Economics. I don’t want to work in that Firm.” It had never been easy being Professor Bankole’s daughter, your life is all typed out like one of his Economics textbooks.
Mother knelt down before her husband. “Tunji please let her go.” She begged. She is my silent advocate.
“What are you saying, woman? Kimberly is about to bring shame to our family. She is only 21, what does she know about wanting to live on her own? She even wants to be a writer, this is ridiculous!” he said, tapping his legs.
Wura Bankole nodded. “I know how you feel,
Tunji. But, we have to let this girl try, who
knows? Please…” she begged. Men and their egos!
I had to join mother on her knees.
“Listen to me, young woman. I give you a year to make a nuisance of yourself in that field called ‘Writing’ after which, if you fail,” he shrugged.
“Of course, when you fail, you are coming back home and would work in the Firm.”
I stared at him as he spoke. He couldn’t see any light at the end of my tunnel.
“And one more thing, I don’t have to remind you about not liking any man, you already have David Coker.” He said sternly.
I nodded. “Dad, you don’t have to remind me. I have heard this all my life! I went through
University without any man, so you have nothing to be scared of, I would become David Coker’s wife when he chooses.” I replied, spitefully. “Young lady! Show some respect!” he shouted. I scoffed. “Of course Dad. I am the only one who is not allowed to fall in love freely because David Coker would marry me. Do you even care to know the last time David Coker and I spoke?” Dad sipped his drink. “Two months ago Dad, two months!” I argued.
He placed his glass on the table. “David is a busy man. He is doing all that for you, he has to manage his father’s business and it’s all over the world. He would be back soon.”
I leaned against the sink and waited for the
Kettle to whistle. I made a hot cup of coffee.
“Please make me a cup too.” Ini said, as she took her seat. I smiled. “You are finally up. Of course, I would make you coffee, I am good for something after all.” Ini scoffed. “Oh…sweetheart, Hasn’t ‘Ben Ten’ called you today?” I smiled. “Oh, he hasn’t. I think that guy is cute.” I stared at her. “Oh…I get it; you are not allowed to love.” I handed her the cup of coffee. “Thank you, sweetheart.” Ini sipped her mug carefully. “Kim, really, don’t you think Prof. Bankole is pushing you?”
“It’s for my own good.” I replied, taking a seat. “It has always been for my good.”
Ini scoffed. “What good? Right from when we were at High school, your old man has always been on your neck with this issue, David Coker this… David Coker that. Wake up, girlfriend, David won’t marry you.”
“Ini, he will.” I replied. “Dad said so.” I said
softly. Ini laughed with so much mockery in it. “Honey, I have always liked you since high school, I mean you were my school daughter, so I would tell you this, David won’t marry you. You guys barely speak.” Seeing my expression she tried cheering me up. “I don’t know how things run with you guys from wealthy homes, but maybe because my folks were broke while I was growing, they won’t dare betroth me, I mean it’s so outdated.” She said. “And to think your parents are professors.” She murmured. I snickered. “You can say that again.” I stared at the kitchen sink. “We’ve got to fix that pipe, the one beneath the sink.” Ini nodded and dropped her mug in the sink. “Ini, you are so going to wash that.”
Ini stuck her tongue out. “Marcus is waiting.” She said, and left for her room. Ini had the habit of leaving the dishes. “Who would marry you?” I shouted.
“Someone who isn’t DAVID COKER.” she called back, laughing. I smiled.
That was the daily routine. Since I have nothing real to do, I just sit by my Apple laptop all day and write down articles, short stories and poems.
I would also get the groceries and stock every corner of the house. If Ben called, I would say hi to him at the Office, else I would see Mom at home, but I had to call first. Dad didn’t want to see me.
“Hi, Mom.” I said, as I turned on the Television.
Wura Bankole closed the door to her study.
“Hey…I told you never to call in the mornings.”
She whispered. “Your Dad is still home.”
“I had no idea I had to sneak around to say hi to my mom because of I am on some sort of probation by the Almighty Professor Bankole. Mom, I just want to say hi.” I replied, turning off the TV. Mrs. Bankole sighed and took her seat. “It’s not like that, Kim. You know how your father is. Anyway, how is it out there?”
“Mom, it’s rough. Getting a Job is hard. But I am coping fine.”
Mother sighed “Just come back home, Kim. You can work in the Firm and still get jobs as a writer; I would talk to some friends.”
I rolled her eyes. “Mother, you know the terms. Dad has to see that I can make it without your help. Thanks Mom.”
“Have you heard from David this month?” Wura Bankole asked, changing the topic. Still not a friendly topic!
I chuckled. “Not at all. He didn’t even reply my mails, he must be really busy.” Mom laughed on the other end. “Do you regret being married off to Dad?” There was a deep silence from the other end. “Mom?” I called . Silence means affirmation!
“Not at all, Honey. He provides me with
everything I want and need. The society loves us, we are happy.”
I scoffed. “Mom…”
“Oh…Kim, I have to go now. I have a presentation in about an hour.” She replied and hung up.
I nodded as I held my phone to my chest. “Yes mom…‘you always have’ to go, you are not happy, yet you think it’s what best for me. David Coker would provide everything I want and need, I would be happy.”
Tola picked up the receiver. “Yes…”
“You are needed at the Boardroom now, ma’am.” Kemi said. Kemi is Tola’s secretary.
Tola closed her laptop and wore her blazer. She stepped out elegantly as ever and flashed at Kemi. “Take down any message.” She said, as she walked briskly. As a manager, Tola Matthews had a lot on her hand. She had to be up and doing, she had never relented.
She opened the door to the boardroom. “Good morning ladies and gentlemen.” she said as she walked into the empty Board room. She stared at the empty seats and chairs. What prank was Kemi playing? She turned to walk away.
“Not yet, Ms. Matthews.”
She turned round to see one of her clients, their biggest client. “How did you get here?” she asked and stopped. “Of course, you are Wole Briggs, where can’t you be?”
He nodded. “That’s correct. I am Wole Briggs, I can open any door. Please have lunch with me.”
“Money isn’t everything you know.” She started.
“It is a shame that some people allow themselves to be bought as to let you into this place.” She stopped and stared at him. “Get out before I call security on you.”
He scoffed. “Really, Tola? I am just trying to be friends with you.”
“Friends? I would say you are stalking me. That thing you did with my tyre the last time I came to your office, I still remember. If only I found out earlier that it was you who had pricked it, I would have had you picked up for acting like a street urchin.”
Wole Briggs laughed. “Tola, come on. Did you
think the Police would come as close as touching my hand not to talk of cuffing it?” He smiled revealing his perfect set of teeth. “I just want to be friends with you.”
“The answer is No. now get out, Wole.” She said, sternly.
He nodded. “Of course, as you wish. But I would be back. I don’t give up.” He said and walked past her. He stopped and stared at her. “Loosen up a bit, you work too hard.” He said as he undid her top button.
She smacked his hand. He smiled and walked out. “Stupid pervert!”
Tola returned to her office. “Who put the call
across for me at the Board room?” she asked. “It was Mr. Asolo, ma.”
Tola smiled. “Of course. Thank you.” she replied and walked into her office.
“It’s really competitive out there for the
billboard jobs.” Marcus said as he gave Ini a
Ini took off her earphones. “Marcus, I am hot
and beautiful. It is not competitive for me. See, I just won a billboard job.” She flashed a smile.
He smiled. “I admire your confidence, but
remember Shola Jones beat you to the last job.”
“That’s because she slept with all the men in that agency.” She replied, with a grimace.
“Disgusting.” Marcus smiled. “And you went ahead to put that on twitter. Ini, the men in the Agency are not our friends thanks to that.”
“But I have fans. At least they know that some models are modest.” She said, flipping her head over her shoulder.
“And loud mouthed.” He added, quickly. Ini
grinned. “But really Ini, you have to take this job really serious, I pulled some strings to get you this billboard and I hope you don’t mess it up.” Ini snarled. “What could possibly go wrong, Marcus?” she whined. “You are scared for nothing, just relax. You know I think we should go to the Spa, I am tired of your rough hand, and I need a real massage.” She said, rising to her feet. “You should also get a massage. You worry too much, Marcus.” She said, and left for the bathroom.
Marcus sighed. “Of course, I have to. You are my source of livelihood. As long as you work, I won’t be broke. I have a responsibility.”
“I heard you, Marcus.” Ini shouted from the
bathroom. Marcus smiled. “As always.”
“Thank you for having lunch with me.” Ben said, as he stared at me.
Ben fell into deep thoughts. Kimberly, an epitome of beauty, was definitely any man’s desire. She was simple, brilliant and beautiful. Ben had admired her from the first day she walked into Millaroca looking for a job. She had greeted everyone respectfully. Ben had faked being the boss and stepped up to her. “Hey, what do you want here?” he asked, staring at her eyes. “Sir, I would love to apply for a job.” She replied. Ben smiled. “Erm…we are totally occupied here. So many staffs and we won’t be needing another. But you can drop your CV behind.” he said, pointing at the attendant.
“Ben…Ben…” He turned around swiftly. “The Boss is here.” He flashed a smile at Kimberly. “You would meet the Boss soon.” He said, and dashed out through the back door.
Millaroca Magazine is about 30 years but was now gradually being edged aside in the country. It was mostly purchased by the ‘older generation’ as it used to appeal to them, but they soon lost interest. The Magazine needed a push to come back to the forefront in the country, but the competition really was stiff.
I raised her head. “So, you said you wanted to see me.”
“It’s just for lunch.” He replied, with a smile. My face fell. “How’s the job hunt?” he asked. I shrugged. “Nothing has changed. They all said they would call back, and no one has. Isn’t there any column job at Millaroca? I would take stipends.”
He held my hand. “It’s not about stipends; there are so many old brains at Millaroca. And to be honest, the boss is not willing to change his ideas, he believes in classic and from our survey it turns out the classic women don’t even want classic again.” He said.
I smiled. “Maybe they would pass it on to their kids when they stop liking classic.”
“Kim, I would keep trying to get you a chance to write. You just have to be patient with me.” he said, and sipped his coke.
I nodded. “Of course Ben, It’s not like I have too many options.” I replied. And truthfully, time was also running out!
“So, I thought I could take you out this
Thursday.” He asked.
I raised one eyebrow. “Thursday, erm…I think I would be busy…maybe I should…”
“Kim Banks, you are never busy. You don’t want me to rub it in that you have no real job.” I frowned. “Okay, I am sorry, but it’s Valentine’s Day. I thought we could hang out when I close from work.” I rolled my eyes. “Really? Ben, you don’t think I would fall for you, do you?”
He smiled. “A man must always try. I don’t give up.”
“Start learning to. Anyway, where are we going to?” I asked.
He shrugged. “Let me keep that a secret.”
“Secret? I don’t like secrets. Maybe you are a serial killer. Are you?” I asked, pointing my Fork at him. We laughed.
He raised his hand. “Okay, I meant surprise.”
Ben had many qualities that any lady would fall for, but remember, I am ‘married to David Coker’, although Ben doesn’t really strike me as that man. I’d rather remain friends. “So, are we gonna have Thursday?” he asked, with a smile.
It wasn’t as if I had anything doing, and of
course, I didn’t want Ini and Tola throwing their day in my face. “Of course.” I replied, with a smile. Ini and Tola never spared me of their Valentine day’s gifts throughout our high school and university days. It wasn’t as if I didn’t get gifts, but they were from ‘Anonymous’ guys. I didn’t bother to keep them.
“It won’t be at one of the expensive places that you might be used to.” He continued. I stared at him. Who cared about money? My Parents were the wealthy ones, not me!
I nodded. “Ben, I am penniless, why would I
“You are Professor Bankole’s daughter, aren’t you? Sometimes I wonder why you are job hunting, he could just hook you.”
I stared at him. I had never told him about my family background. “How do you know about my father?”
“I am a huge fan of Professor Bankole. I love his guts and everything about him, so I know
everything about him.” He straightened in his seat. “That is of course, as far as Wikipedia would tell me. And the journals too.” He said, flashing his teeth at me. “But I won’t mind an extra lecture; I would love to meet him.”
I blinked. He smiled. “So, would you help me?” “I would think about it.” I replied, and tried to finish up my food.
Marcus fumbled with his I-pad for a while; he stared at Ini who looked rather too calm for their current situation. Well, he hadn’t told her the bad news yet. He had to! “Ini, we have a situation.” Marcus said, scrolling through his I- Pad. She adjusted her bathrobe. “You worry too much, Marcus. What could it be this time?”
He took a deep breath. “I just received a mail
from the advert agency. They want to revoke
your contract.”
Ini nodded. “For the billboard, right?” she asked. “Yes. My sources tell me that Shola Jones is behind it.” She smiled. “Of course, that skanky little thing has to be. She is trying to take her revenge on me after the twitter saga.”
“What are we going to do?” Marcus asked.
Ini scoffed. “I should be asking you that. It turns out; I am even tougher than you are. Shola Jones would walk into our trap; her skin needs a little adjustment.” She said, with a grin. “Ini…we could hurt her career.”
She nodded in agreement. “She struck the
match; she’s bound to feel the flame.”
Marcus sighed. This is not the first time Ini had fought Shola Jones back and when they did, it was really messy. Both of them never really got along well. The Fashion industry was fast rising and Models were out at each other. It was a matter of who would take the lead, and as far as Lagos was represented, the battle line was between Ini Obong and Shola Jones.
Culled from http://tommyslav-
Since the end of the 2012/13 season, Arsenal football club of England has been linked with several (if not all) types of players the world has to offer. My question now: Do we have to buy or do we need to buy? Your answer is as good as mine. We NEED to buy. Not just to add up numbers but to most importantly, increase the competition for the red and white Jersey. No player (CR7 and Messi inclusive) has the right to just walk in to every match day squad.
Having lost the chance to sign any "marquee" signing YET, I'd love Arsene and his scouting networks take a look at the following players.
1. Jackson Martinez - Oh boy! What more do I have to say or write to convince you guys on how awesome this Columbian lad is? He ticks virtually every box you require of a CF. He's got quick feet, good turn of shot, great technique and top notch team play. I see him changing clubs soon for a fee of around £25m to £30m.
2. Lars Bender - This is a type of DM most coaches will do anything to have. He breaks up opposition play so well as linking up well with those in front of him. He'd cost around £15m to £20m.
3. Micah Richards - Big, Versatile, Strong, Good Technique and Ability to chip in few vital goals is how best to describe the England international defender. A player of his kind would really go on to be a fans' favorite. He should command a fee of £10m to £15m.
4. Tim Krul - The "left footed" Dutch international keeper was "rumoured" to be one of our targets. Mind you, I'm not being sarcastic but I'm yet to be convinced he is so much of an improvement over the lads we have at the Emirates. Though he is a promising young goalkeeper BUT he is also a suspect when it comes to be being struck down with injuries. A fee of around £12m to £15m should be able to convince Pardew and Newcastle into parting ways with Krul.
5. Juan Mata - Yeah right! I was shocked myself but what can we say? It will be an honour to have this amazing Spanish playmaker work his magic I'm the red and white Jersey. Whether or not he'll do justice to whatever transfer fee (mind you, a reasonable one)... is no question. What should be the question is, will Chelsea ever sell him? I hear a transfer fee of between £25m to £30m should see him jump ship to the Emirates.
That's all folks. Please feel free to post your comments below and I'd be glad to hear from you guys on Twitter @MaybachDAYO
'till another day... *God Loves Me*
I don’t know about you fine fellow Gooners, but I have been pinching myself occasionally during the last few days: A ‘wake me up please from this rotten nightmare’ sort of pinch. Unwisely, many Gooners including your favorite Naija boy, consciously or subconsciously, tend to wish away the summer time in order for proper footie to start again as soon as possible. And when the moment finally arrives, we want to be filled with (very often unrealistic) hope to win silverware again: we like to see a strong squad, a good pre-season, a nice new shirt, and a few new players we can get really excited about.
Whilst watching the Preview of the Barclay's Premier League 2013/2014 season on Saturday, I was amazed by the number of Canaries wearing a No.9 ‘Van Wolfswinkel’ shirt in town. I counted seven in just five minutes: the Norwich new record signing has become the embodiment of hope for the Canaries (and boy, did he deliver for them this weekend). It made me MAD at Gazidis, Kroenke and Wenger (Arrgh!!!) for seemingly not understanding/wanting to
understand the very basic nature of football and its supporters, especially after promising so much at the start of the Torture Window.
Arsenal football club were in great position a few months ago: the team fought back to finish in the top-four, a strong core-team of young and experienced players was coming together, the main competition was going through major change, and we did not have to sell any of our star players but would be able to add to our squad with considerable funds. Strategically, Arsenal were in a superb position to make significant steps towards breaking into the very top of the PL again (quit rolling that yeye eyes of yours).
Three months later: no core players have been sold (as yet) but also nobody was bought, and the squad is depleted – in terms of numbers, and possibly, morale – after suffering a number of bad to very bad injuries during pre-season; and seeing no quality additions will also not have helped. We also lost a game, but that can happen and the season is long; although, the timing of it is very painful.
Rather than having every reason for real optimism for the new season, the club finds itself in considerable turmoil right now: a squad lacking strength in depth (no midfielders who can defend, not many defenders left for example) and not enough quality players who can make a real and sustained difference; and a disgruntled fan base who feel let down and to some extent manipulated by the BoD (Board of Directors).
The management of the club have, until now, over promised and totally under delivered, and only a small miracle of quality transfer dealings could possibly turn the situation round again.
The mood could easily have been so different, and that’s what is so frustrating.
Most supporters wanted a quality addition in all four lines: GK, defence, midfield and attack. An experienced back-up goalkeeper, or for some the new No.1, was high on the list, but most of us really wanted Arsene to finally get a quality DM who could play a bit of footie as well. Many of us also felt that we needed either a quality ‘third or fourth’ CB, or if Sagna was to be moved into central defence, an experienced RB. Many of us also believed we needed to add more fire power to our attack, and it appears that the club have been trying to achieve the latter as their first priority.
So what went wrong - WHO IS TO BLAME?
The problem is that despite the media’s attempt to desperately fill in the holes, we lack tangible knowledge of what has really happened in terms of transfer dealings this summer. It is one big, black box for us. We know the input: £70m to spend; we know the output: no players signed; but we do not know the throughput, other than the club making a few bids for players during the summer – and very little has actually been confirmed by the club on any of these bids.
But as supporters we can only be understanding for so long and the facts of the matter are there have not been any signings, and the season has started already.
So why did the club not spend the money and sign players this summer, and why did Gazidis come out so noticeably with his statement that we can compete with the best and have lots of money to burn in the process?
It did not seem very clever to be so public about it at the time, other than perhaps an attempt to convince top player prospects that the club is entering a new era, AND/OR to put some pressure on Wenger to buy a different calibre of player this time round. Some will argue he did it to get supporters to renew their season tickets, but I reckon that is far too cynical and Gazidis is too clever a man to underestimate the incredible damage this could do to the club long-term.
No, something is not right here. Of course, each and every failed attempt to sign up a new player could be down to causes beyond the control of the club: other clubs not prepared to sell (yet) or simply wanting unacceptably high sums of money; players not wanting to come or too many contractual complications, etc.
But usually money talks and as we have seen many times with clubs like Liverpool, Man City etc, if you are prepared to pay the right price, AND individual packages, quality players will come. Key in all of this is not to set your sight too high but go for realistic targets.
Despite having considerable funds, the club will still negotiate hard to get their targets for the ‘right’ price; but the right price in football is very hard to determine as there is lots of (oil) money about to constantly inflate the prices and undermine our negotiations, and this could be the main reason for missing out on all our apparent prospects until now.
Some have argued that the club is simply not
negotiating astute enough; that we are dithering too much. If so, who is to blame for this: the negotiators, the manager, the final decision makers (Gazidis, Kroenke?). We just don’t know, and as long as we don’t, we have to blame them all, including Arsene Wenger.
It could well be that the management believed they could survive till the end of the transfer window with the existing squad and bring in players right at the end if need be, when negotiating can be a lot easier with those clubs who are desperate to sell to make ends meet. But this would always have been a very risky strategy, and losing on Saturday, combined with the depletion of our first team squad, have left the club in an embarrassing predicament right now.
Whatever the reasons, the facts are the season has started and we signed nobody; we have a weak squad, AND first team, for the foreseeable future; and it could and should have been very different right now.
The management need to take responsibility and act accordingly. If you treat our football club like a business – something I can understand to a certain extent – you also need to act like a proper business when those in charge over-promise and under-deliver; whoever that is. You also need toput things right pronto.
Your ‘customers’ demand it.
Keep the Faith guys...
....'till another day. *God Loves Me*
P.S: You weren't expecting me to highlight our defeat in the very game at the Emirates Stadium were you? I thought same!
I stumbled upon this piece online from Mr Charlie Boy and decided to share it with you guys.
See it after the cut...
If you're a single lady...this message is for you from Mr Charles Oputa
All the single ladies reading this, chin-up
and give your good self a thumb up. Nothing
doest thou. Last week I had a father/
daughter discussion with my Princess. I could
feel the frustration in her tone as we spoke
about different issues. When I asked about
her boyfriend she gave me a very long and
irritated “Naija babe” hiss, she aired out
her frustrations with this whole dating
business. "Daddy we are no longer dating."
“I’m so very sorry my love, but what
happened I queried,” very anxious to hear
the gist, cause me and my Princess are just
that close. This is my daughter’s 3rd
boyfriend since she started dating, and she
has only been with him for barely 6months…
"Daddy, please I’m tired, he is not
ambitious, he has no drive, and he is too laid
back for his own good, how can I marry a
man like that? To make matters worse, he
thinks I am overly ambitious, he says I do
way too much – please tell me how that’s a
bad thing.” Hummmmm, my daughter, my
princess my pride and joy is unhappy.
You see since childhood, my Princess has been very independent, very focused and determined - no nonsense kind of ‘chic’, (can an apple fall too far from its tree). She is intelligent and extremely hardworking, I mean what more could a man ask for in a woman? Quickly, I was thinking of how to calm my ticked off Princess down. "Darling, you know daddy will always love you no matter what, most importantly you know damn too well that you are not under any pressure to get married. So be patient, concentrate on your carrier and yourself my darling, he will come when he comes, and if he doesn't come, have your baby, I wouldn't mind another grandchild." Did I really say that? Oh! Yes I did, and I meant that.
Single ladies are on the rise these days, because for a long time coming, there has been an explosion of male joblessness in Nigeria and the world over. There has also been a decline in men's life prospects that have disrupted and distorted the dating or the "marriage market", in a way that narrows a marriage minded woman's options. Today all the Nigerian single "good" ladies who are desirous to settle down are at a cross road in their dating life, most of them are simply tired, a lot are frustrated and many are giving up.
Their options are really limited; it is mostly
between the millions of Gigolos or the deadbeat, some of who are pretending that they are waiting for Jesus before they get it together; those who don't have ambition burning in their soul. I can't believe that I told my daughter to go ahead and have a baby out of wedlock. Well, with the way things are playing out in our environment, it is time we embraced new ideas about dating and marriage. Society’s highest institution called "Marriage" is fast becoming old fashioned and outdated. Look around and see the alarming rate of divorce matters all over the place, something is definitely wrong my people. At this rate, falling in love and getting married will be a question of choice rather than societal expectation or luck.
Frankly speaking, women have climbed so high in their independence and career and are doing way better than the men. Men have been falling behind with amazing alacrity. Good single women are so disappointed and it’s unimaginable, it's like going to a party that has been the talk of the town for long. You buy your new dress hoping to show off at the party, but by the time you land, they tell you that all the good people have left, and the ones left are really the servants, their friends or relatives who have come to scavenge on the left over food. Believe it or not, that's the situation today, no kidding.
Since the days of my grandfather, marriage has been primarily an economic and political contract between 2 families, prized and policed by families, relatives and community. That’s why in my village, they will tell you "no be only your wife/husband you they marryoooooo" Things have changed since then, most of our dates are from facebook, bb chat, online dating, the hocus-pocus church called Pentecostals, etc. There is no doubt in my mind that we are in the midst of an extraordinary change. The transformation of young outstanding women, considered marriage material, is momentous, immensely liberating and immensely scary for prospective suitors. All the old ways are breaking down, these days ladies want to be in-charge of their lives, you can't blame them.
Forget about the days of being submissive, na for your pocket. Forget about marriage vows where it says about obeying your husbands, hummmm joor, they are not slaves, understanding works better.
Do they need husbands to have babies these
days? Please don't get this twisted, marriage is divine and sweet when you can not only find a soul mate, but someone who can inspire you, respect you, love you, adore your feminity and
independence. They are hard to find oooooo. My daughter knows that finding a good man is like finding a needle in a haystack. None the less, should women feel psychologically defeated? Hell No! Most men who don't know what time it is are still locked down with that old macho bullshit, that it is a Man’s world. Hummmmm for where, my people, women run things now, let’s get used to it, abegi, so our days on earth will be longer joor.
My princess, my baby, my joy, my little big girl knows that her character, her pedigree, her background, her ambition, her zeal and courage will most likely intimidate a lot of men out there, she realizes that this will further narrow her pool of prospects, just like she is also aware that with each passing year she is getting older and never younger but the options stay very limited. All I’m trying to say is this, I tip my hat for all the "good" single ladies out there, keep the fate, I admire your courage in not wanting to settle for any trash out there. If it doesn't fit, trash it, finding a life time partner is not ‘moimoi’. The world is already too troubled for you to be in a relationship that you know will not make you happy. Women can see these things ahead you know, that's why they are a special breed of God’s creation. I have discovered lately that men need women in their lives to keep them stable, but if push comes to a shove, women don't really
need men, a case in point, ‘The great Oprah’. Yes, good men are hard to find, ask Lady D. Ha!!
So guys, what do you think? Feel free to drop your comments in the comments section.
....'till another day. *God Loves Me*
Study Free In Finland 2013 — Before I
get started, I want to tell you that the
application process into Tuition Free
Polytechnics has for Autumn 2013 has
closed. Application dates for autumn 2013
were 7 January – 12 February 2013.
Application usually comes up at this
period of the year, so you might want to
bookmark this. However, the application
dates for springs 2014 which starts on 2
September and closes on 13 September
2013 at 4.15 pm Finnish time is included.
This page contains admission
requirements to study free in Polytechnics
in Finland as well as other requirements
you must meet to live and study in
Finland. This was published for the 2013
Autumn Admission and it’s going to still
be applicable for 2014 applications. Only
the dates will change, so, just bookmark
Application practicalities into Tuition Free
Polytechnics In Finland
Applying to programmes conducted in
English at polytechnics/UAS takes place
through a system of online joint
application. Prospective students can
apply to four different degree programmes
at polytechnics/UAS using the same
application form.
Application period for programmes starting in spring 2014 at Finland
Tuition-Free Polytechnics
Applications for spring 2014 starts on 2
September and closes on 13 September
2013 at 4.15 pm Finnish time.
All required attachments have to be at the admissions office of the applicant’s first choice polytechnic /UAS by 23 September 2013 at 4.15 pm Finnish time. All attachments have to be posted or delivered to the admissions office, faxed or scanned copies are not accepted. Paper applications not submitted online must arrive at the
admissions office of the applicant’s first
choice polytechnic/UAS by the end of
application period at 4.15 pm Finnish
time. All those applicants who are
applying with a qualification completed
somewhere else than in Finland and are
not citizens of an EU/EEA-country, must
provide a proof of language skill.
Accepted certificates are:
*TOEFL score 550 pbt/79-80 ibt
*IELTS academic score 6.0
*Cambridge ESOL’s Certificate of
*Proficiency in English (CPE) or
*Cambridge ESOL’s Certificate in
*Advanced English (CAE), grade C or
*Pearson test of English
*General test level 4 or higher
*Academic test level 51 or
*Grade C in the Finnish Matriculation
examination in advanced level
*English skills level 4 in English in all parts
in the National Certificate of
Language Proficiency (English
communicative oral skills, reading
comprehension and writing)
*In addition upper secondary education or
University degree in English completed in
the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United
States of America, Canada, Australia or
New Zealand or a bachelor’s or Master’s
degree conducted in English in a
European Union or European Economic
Area -Country is also accepted as a
demonstration of sufficient English
language skills. Education in English
completed in any other country will not
be accepted. Proof of language skill must
arrive at the admissions office by 23
September 2013 4.15 pm at the latest.
Please contact the admissions office of
the polytechnic/UAS of your first choice in
all matters relating to your application
and to changes in your circumstances.
Fees and Cost of Studying in Finland
Higher education in Finland is free of charge. The polytechnics’/UAS’ students
need to pay the student organisation’s
(SAMOK) annual membership fee to get a
student card. The student card allows
students certain benefits and discounts
(in travelling etc.).
A non-EU student must prove that he/she
is able to support his or her living in
Finland during the studies. The required
sum of money is 500 euros per month or
6000 euros per year.
You can click the following link for more
Thanks to my friends at @ngscholars for the heads up.