Wednesday 11 September 2013

What's up.....WASSAP???!!!

How are you guys doing? Its been a while...(I know right). Haven't been on my laptop for a while. Reasons best known to the laptop and its crazy self.
I'll be putting up some amazing poems and essays from weird but interesting friends I have. One thing I noticed, we now tend to have more readers of books and essays than we used to. Which is very encouraging if you ask me. I'll like you guys to show your support as usual, feel free to read them and comment. Not forgetting, sharing this blog with your friends only makes it more fun.
Thanks to you guys, I'm getting closer to my dreams. Your calls, messages and tweets are always appreciated. ☺
...'til another day. *God Loves Me*
     Follow me on Twitter/Instagram: @MaybachDAYO